Posdata and Gender Equality


Posdata has always been sensitive to gender equality and adopts policies aimed at fostering professional growth impartially for women and men, thereby reducing the gender gap across all areas. 

We have embarked on a significant journey that has led us to achieve​ Certification on gender equality, according to UNI/Pdr 125: 2022 practices. The aim is to monitor equity between men and women in the workplace and enhance the competitiveness of certified companies, which can boast a virtuous reputation in their treatment of Posdata employees. 

This aspect is crucial for Posdata, as obtaining Certification aims to consolidate important objectives that the organization has always prioritized and been sensitive to: 

• Eliminating the gender pay gap: This indicates the difference between the average annual salary earned by women and men in equivalent positions; 

• Increasing career opportunities: Ensuring equal training and information opportunities for both women and men within the company; 

• Protecting maternity and paternity: Supporting internal staff during maternity and paternity leave; 

• Supporting employees facing disadvantages: Ensuring that individuals facing specific conditions related to gender, age, personal or family care needs, pregnancy, maternity, or paternity are not disadvantaged compared to their colleagues. 


Gender diversity is a source of motivation and growth opportunities for us, contributing to a stronger, more performance-oriented Posdata that is attentive to the needs of its employees.

See Certificate

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